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Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2017 5:14 pm

December 12, 2017          Cefalo’s Restaurant           5:14 PM

President Strayer called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Miller, Buirge, Nagie, Pollock, Schuster, Henze, Bosco, Dorenkott, Carty, and Carnegie.

PRESIDENT:  Potential Chapter social events of bowling and ice skating were mentioned.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of November Meeting as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Pollock; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER:   Reviewed monthly report.  MOTION: To approve monthly treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Schuster; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY:   There are 26 tables and 40 reservations for tonight's Holiday Gala meeting.

PROGRAMS:  January 9th meeting is a tour of Tepper Hall at Carnegie Mellon University.

PUBLICITY:   Positive comments were made about the postcard created for tonight's meeting; and while advertising for A.L. Harding has been paid, committee is waiting for new information before posting on website (their current advertisement should not be taken down).

MEMBERSHIP:   Current total is down to 113; board members were asked to review names and contact anyone they know whose membership has lapsed; and when any membership at Institute has incomplete information it is placed in the 'non-affiliated' chapter category.

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION:   Information about an upcoming seminar was transmitted to professionals, however, no one responded; committee chair is requesting topic considerations; and Buirge suggested having SSPC, whose national headquarters are in Pittsburgh, give a presentation on surface preparation and their guidelines.

AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION:   Strayer, Thornton, and Vernon met recently to review Institute awards, which have since been prepared and will be signed tonight.  Strayer notified institute that Buirge will be the Chapter Secretary through June of 2018.

60TH CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY:   With current events and holiday season, planning is on hold until next year for the event that is scheduled at Edgewood Country Club on 09-15-18.




MOTION:  For adjournment at 5:40 PM, since there was no additional business before the Board; proposed by Miller, seconded by Schuster; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Dennis Buirge - CSI, CCS, CCCA.