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Meeting Minutes
January 08, 2013 5:30 pm
First Vice President Vernon called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Buirge, Nagie, Fulton, Bosco, Moyta, Miller, Bailey, Zell, Geist, and Thornton.
PRESIDENT: Chapter may give the Institute’s PowerPoint presentation on CSI’s new logo and rebranding at the next or a future meeting.
SECRETARY: MOTION: To approve the minutes of December Meeting as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Bosco; motion unanimously approved.
TREASURER: Reviewed monthly report that still includes open books from the December meeting. MOTION: To approve the treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Bailey, seconded by Buirge; motion unanimously approved.
HOSPITALITY: December Dessert Product Show had about 85 attendees with 22 tables; a deposit was made for 2013 Dessert Product Show; and February and March meetings are scheduled for Cefalo’s Restaurant.
PROGRAMS: Tonight’s meeting is presentation of “Specifications for Non-Spec Writers”; February’s meeting will be a repeat of Architect/Representative Speed Dating; March will be a presentation by Dave Metzgar, a Washington, DC specification writer; a tour will be planned for April or May with the other month being “Are You Smarter Than a Specifier”; while June will be our typical Awards Program.
WEBSITE: Will pursue purchasing of CMS software.
PUBLICITY: No postcards were distributed for tonight’s meeting.
MEMBERSHIP: Monthly total is 126; and Bosco received and offered to the Chapter a free yearly CSI membership, which will be a door prize for the February Meeting.
CERTIFICATION: Institute Spring certification examinations are scheduled between April 1 - 27 with Early Registration of January 13, 2013, and Final Registration deadline of February 28, 2013.
AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION: Will continue to purse Region Award nominations as mentioned at last month’s board meeting; and a draft flyer was prepared for the 2013 SketchSpec competition.
STUDENT OUTREACH: Chapter will cheaply purchase some copies of 2011 MasterFormat to give to local universities; and Chapter will invite students to the “Are You Smarter Than a Specifier” program.
MEMBER PROFILE: Someone will be profiled next month on Chapter website.
OLD BUSINESS: A final correction was made to Chapter By-Laws.
NEW BUSINESS: For the February Speed Dating Meeting, Board discussed reducing dinner costs and several ideas to encourage architects to attend, such as allowing them to present project boards and to invite architects via the AIA.
MOTION: For adjournment at 6:15 PM, since there was no additional business before the Board; proposed by Bosco, seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dennis Buirge - CCS, CCCA.