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Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2014 5:30 pm
President Vargo called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Vernon, Strayer, Buirge, Nagie, McNamee, Bosco, Dorenkott, Moyta, Prindible, Miller, Bailey, Carnegie, Thornton, and Chapter Members John Bliss and Josh Telenko.
PRESIDENT: A written report was submitted that included the following highlights: upcoming events for Chapter, Middle Atlantic Region, and local industry meetings; Chapter election information; summary of the “Specifications for Non-Specifiers” presentation to Art Institute; and a proposed modification regarding membership loyalty program to Chapter Policy. Vargo stated that term of ‘Chapter Convention Ambassador’ will remain in Chapter Policy Manual. MOTION: To accept written Chapter Member Loyalty Program and Policy as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved.
SECRETARY: MOTION: To approve the minutes of January Board Meeting as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved. Note: There was no board meeting in February.
TREASURER: Reviewed monthly reports; and Food Bank cashed gift check from December meeting. MOTION: To approve January and February financial reports as submitted; proposed by Strayer, seconded by Prindible; motion unanimously approved.
HOSPITALITY: April - Cefalo’s Restaurant; May - catered at tour; and June is tentatively scheduled at Cefalo’s Restaurant.
PROGRAMS: April - “Are You Smarter Than a Specifier” (questionnaire was sent to CMU and Chatham College); May - tour of Lampus manufacturing plant in Aliquippa, PA; and June - Awards program.
WEBSITE: Still working out issues on how to use PayPal on website, which should be resolved by next month; and Nagie will create a form as a paper trail for verifying PayPal.
PUBLICITY: Bliss will forward information for next month’s tour for distribution to membership.
MEMBERSHIP: Monthly total is 138; and reviewed names of expiring memberships.
TECHNICAL/EDUCATION: Considering an early June seminar at MasterBuilders to review LEED Version 4 with a panel type discussion consisting of a local contractor, GBA representative, manufacturer’s representative, and an architect.
CERTIFICATION: Early registration ends on 01-31 for spring Institute examinations, while late registration ends 02-28 for tests being given between 03-31 and 04-26.
AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION: Nine Pittsburgh Chapter members received 6 Region awards; and one group of Institute Awards are due 05-02-14 and another on 07-15-14, some requiring endorsements.
LONG RANGE PLANNING: Announced current slate of candidates for upcoming Chapter elections, which includes a strong mix of individuals having different job positions and equal gender representation.
OLD BUSINESS: Reimbursement is available for those attending Middle Atlantic Region Conference.
MOTION: For adjournment at 6:10 PM, since there was no additional business before the Board; proposed by Prindible, seconded by McNamee; motion unanimously approved.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dennis Buirge - CCS, CCCA.