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Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2014 12:00 pm

September 25, 2014 12:00 PM                  LOCATION: Teleconference

President Vernon called the meeting to order with the following in attendance:  Vargo, Miller, Telenko, Nagie, Bosco, Bailey, Geist, Watson, Brown, Dorenkott, Prindible, Neely, Zell, Thornton, Carnegie, Moyta, McNamee, Strayer.

PRESIDENT: Two votes were brought up at Institute Convention, 1.) Institute Directors can now be selected from all members and 2.) voted to look into ramifications of making the annual meeting virtual or a mix of virtual and physical.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of August as submitted; proposed by Watson, seconded by Moyta; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER:   LOS has been paid; Nagie working on reimbursements for Construct; Chapter is solvent as of current report. MOTION: To approve Treasurers September report; proposed by Watson, seconded by Moyta; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY:   Holiday party vendor stations are filling up with just a few left out of 25 total; Prindible asks if Geist can resend vendor flier, Vernon will forward to Board.

PROGRAMS:   October: SMPS joint meeting at Cefalo’s; November: CMU Scott Hall Tour, Zell asks for address to help find restaurants close to the tour location; September meeting with ASHRAE was a huge success with a lot of participation on both sides.

PUBLICITY:  Miller will include Chapter awards on website and in newsletter; Silver logo will be displayed on Facebook page.

MEMBERSHIP:   Carnegie asks to reach out to anyone on the list we may know that has dropped membership; Allan Brock and Jeff Peskowitz need a pin; new members will be introduced in October. 

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION:   McNamee will have report in October.

AWARDS:   Region awards due date is December 31st; info will come from Nagie in October regarding Institute Awards Committee.

STUDENT OUTREACH:  Chatham students enjoyed September meeting; Moyta asked for help with IDT presentation for CMU, CSI and YAF on Importance of Specifications and CDT, Brown volunteered to assist.

LONG RANGE PLANNING:   Date needs selected to complete this process; Thornton will forward previous report to Vernon.

OLD BUSINESS:   No report.

NEW BUSINESS:   Walter Marlow resigned as Institute CEO, was there 8 years; Nagie will find out who is running for Region Officers at next Region Meeting.

MOTION: For adjournment at 12:43 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by, Nagie seconded by Miller; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko.