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Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2017 5:06 pm

President Strayer called the meeting to order with the following in attendance:  Vernon, Vargo, Telenko, Nagie, Bosco, Dorenkott, Schuster, Miller, Bailey, Geist, Thornton, Defilippo.

PRESIDENT: Meeting from December did not have a quorum; Colleen Defilippo is new Chair of Student Outreach; Institute is behind on dues payments to Chapter.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of November board meeting as submitted; proposed by Vargo, seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER: Nagie asks how much Chapter should donate to Pittsburgh Food Bank

          MOTION: To approve donation to Pittsburgh Food Bank and book Chadwick for Holiday Party; proposed by Strayer, seconded by Thornton; motion unanimously approved.

          MOTION: To approve monthly treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Thornton, seconded by Vargo; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY: Holiday Party was a success. 

PROGRAMS: Bailey: Tonight – Construction Technology; February – Speed Dating; March and April not booked; Tremco has a drone program although proprietary, Bailey will pursue.

WEBSITE: Schuster: Link to Eventbrite for registrations.

MEMBERSHIP: Chapter to ask Matt Lander to do a membership presentation and set up a new member orientation.

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION: Dorenkott: Finding topics for presentations has been difficult, if anyone has ideas please send to Dorenkott for an April or May seminar. 

CERTIFICATION: Bosco: a structural company reached out for a private CDT certification program, Bosco to reach out to Richmond Chapter.

AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION: Only three chapters submitted for awards, Pittsburgh Chapter received five out of the twenty-four that were given.

STUDENT OUTREACH: Colleen Defilippo is new Chair.

ARCHIVE PROJECT: Bailey and Nagie were able to complete the archiving and it is paid for.

MEMBER PROFILES/MARC 17/OTHER: Strayer put MARC17 info on Eventbrite, Chapter page will have a link to this site by Schuster.

NEW BUSINESS: Up for election this term: Strayer, Schuster, Vernon, Brown and Nagie.

MOTION: For adjournment at 5:56 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by, Miller seconded by Vargo; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko.