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Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2015 5:37 pm
LOCATION: Cefalos Restaurant, Carnegie, PA
President Vernon called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Telenko, Nagie, Bosco, Moyta, Prindible, Miller, Bailey.
PRESIDENT: We did not have a quorum, therefore March meeting minutes or Treasurer’s report could not be approved.
SECRETARY: Approval moved to May meeting.
TREASURER: Approval moved to May meeting.
PROGRAMS: May – Ron Dellaria-Level of Development Specification for BIM at Scoglio Restaurant; June – Awards Banquet.
TECHNICAL/EDUCATION: Telenko will do Introduction to Conceptual Budget Estimating presentation on May 20th at MBA offices, registration at 8:00 AM, 8:30 AM start, 1.0 AIA credits.
HOLIDAY PARTY: Planning phase for holiday party has begun, working to involve IADA, MBA, YCF, etc.
AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION: Thornton will do same type of presentation as last year for Awards Banquet.
STUDENT OUTREACH: Chatham University students are coming to program tonight, we have giveaways for them.
LONG RANGE PLANNING: We are waiting to hear from Arwen Davis RE: Strategic Planning.
GOLF OUTING: Mark Womer finalized details for outing, May 14th 9:00 AM start, steak dinner to follow, Strawberry Ridge Golf Course.
MEMBER PROFILES/MARC 17/OTHER: 2017 MARC in Pittsburgh – Nagie and Bailey will help, Prindible looking to do family events.
OLD BUSINESS: Leadership Orientation Seminar (LOS) in York, PA on August 15, 2015.
NEW BUSINESS: Mike Moyta will be stepping down from the board due to other pressing obligations, a replacement will be considered for appointment by Vernon.**
CHAPTER ELECTIONS: Nominees are as follows:
President, 1-year term: Bill Vernon
1st Vice President, 1-year term: Richard Strayer
2nd Vice President, 1-year term: Lynn Fulton
Treasurer, 2-year term: Gail Nagie
Director, 3-year term: Mike Bosco
Director, 3-year term: Courtney Watson
**For Director to fulfill the remainder of Mike Moyta’s term, individual to be appointed by President Vernon and approved by the board.
MOTION: Quorum not reached, unofficial board meeting.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko