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Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2016 12:02 pm

President Vernon called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Telenko, Strayer, Nagie, Watson, K. Brown, Schuster, Bailey, Geist, Thornton.


PRESIDENT: A board member had a death in the family and the Chapter will look to make a donation. We will have an abbreviated meeting in June.


SECRETARY:  MOTION: To approve the minutes of April 2016 board meeting as submitted; proposed by Nagie, seconded by Bailey; motion unanimously approved.


TREASURER:    MOTION: To approve this month’s report; proposed by Watson, seconded by Strayer; motion unanimously approved.


HOSPITALITY: Vernon: Zell and Jordan have done a great job this year.


PROGRAMS: Awards Banquet will be at Cefalo’s next month; will look into other possible locations for next year.  


PUBLICITY:  No Report.


MEMBERSHIP: New and lost members were reviewed; Nagie: some chapters may not be getting credit for members in multiple chapters and this is being looked into.




CERTIFICATION:  Vernon: we could do a CDT Prep course as a web class for a local company, K. Brown volunteered to participate.


AWARDS: Thornton: submitted two awards for the Institute as well as multiple Chapter Awards; Outstanding Chapter Award is due July 15th at 2:00 pm.  


MARC 17: Region Conference Meeting will be May 23rd at R3A offices.


OLD BUSINESS: LOS will be August 19th and 20th.


NEW BUSINESS: MOTION: To approve the membership of Nagie from Professional Member to Emeritus; proposed by Strayer, seconded by Thornton; motion unanimously approved.


MOTION: For adjournment at 12:35 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by Miller; seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko.