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Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2013 5:35 pm

President Vargo called the meeting to order with the following in attendance:  Vernon, Strayer, Nagie, McNamee, Fulton, Bosco, Dorenkott, Moyta, Prindible, Miller, Bailey, Zell, Jordan, Geist, Schuster, and Thornton.

PRESIDENT: Called the meeting to order.  Reviewed LOS regional meeting.  Pittsburgh chapter was well represented.  Focus of CSI to be brand revitalization through new LOGO and focus to slow attrition rate of membership renewal.  Examples of new ideas included Allentown’s facebook video discussed as method of introducing CSI to public, students and prospective members.  CSI pin will not change.  Pittsburgh chapter to seek approval to provide name tags for members at-large.

Shawn Malarik resigned chair of membership committee.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of February 12, 2013 board meeting as submitted; proposed by Bob Bailey , seconded by Mike Bosco; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER:   Treasurer report presented by Gail Nagie.  All accounts are in order.  Budgets appear adequate for continued operations as planned.  MOTION: To approve monthly treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Bill Vernon, seconded by Rich Strayer; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY:   Cefalo’s  restaurant deal confirmed for improved pricing to CSI.  April meeting set.  “Are you smarter than a Specifier?”  Bob Schrock coordinating with CMU and other schools’ students to be invited.  Attendees may earn a portion $500 in total.  Concern over calling the money scholarship is overblown.  

PROGRAMS:  May tour of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.

WEBSITE:   Computer problems delaying updates.   Everyone asked to visit website and identify any issues/inaccuracies.  We should look at other chapter web sites for ideas to update our site.

PUBLICITY:   Discussion of name tags above.

MEMBERSHIP:   No report.  Free membership available for national dues expires June 30, 2013.

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION:   Phil Dorenkott initiated discussion group with MBA to include GC, architect, and manufacturer rep for panel discussion.  Mike Moyta will follow-up with MBA, as he is a member.

CERTIFICATION:   Advertise for home study course on region website.  We have received fees from outside area for study course. 

AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION:  Spec competition has 5/5/13 deadline for entry.  Marty to send email of rules.

GBA LIASON: Nothing to report.

STUDENT OUTREACH:  See Hospitality section for current student activity.

GOLF OUTING:   Nothing to report.

LONG RANGE PLANNING:   Nothing to report.

OLD BUSINESS:   See President’s comments.

NEW BUSINESS:   Slate of officers and directors for up-coming fiscal year presented, as per requirements.  They are as follows:  President – Miki Vargo, 1st VP – Bill Vernon, 2nd VP – Rich Strayer, Secretary – Denny Buirge, Treasurer – Gail Nagie, and board members Leisa McNamee and Courtney Watson.

MOTION: For adjournment at 6:20 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by, Ronna Prindible, seconded by Dave Miller  motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Richard Strayer on behalf of Dennis Buirge - CCS, CCCA.