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Meeting Minutes

August 08, 2014 6:43 pm

President Vernon called the meeting to order with the following in attendance:  Vargo, Miller, Telenko, Nagie, Bosco, Fulton, Schuster, Bailey, Geist.

PRESIDENT: Addressed response from some regarding Specigram, all will be more thoughtful in the future; start putting committee requests in newsletter to get more members involved.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of May as corrected, July as submitted; proposed by Bailey, seconded by Miller; motion unanimously approved; Bosco suggest reduced font to get minutes on one sheet.

TREASURER:   2014-2015 final budget review with surplus; MOTION: To approve 2014-2015 budget; proposed by Vernon, seconded by Telenko; motion unanimously approved. Nagie asks for input on ways to carry over budget into summer to cover transition period to next fiscal year; Scholarship Fund needs to change name to Future Development Fund to properly describe it for tax purposes.

HOSPITALITY:   Suggested that hospitality be more of a group discussion; Holiday party considerations discussed, band vs. no band and possibly a high school student(s), top shelf liquor vs. house, possibly offer one free admission for every AIA board presentation to draw more professionals, Chadwick may be too far for good participation and a downtown location will be looked at, PYAF sponsorship possibilities, Miller and Vargo will reach out; Discussed free admission to Holiday Party for whoever donates most platelets.

PROGRAMS:   September: ASHRAE presentation; October: SMPS joint meeting; November: CMU Scott Hall Tour, Stantec is local designer; Possibly three(3) building tours this year; Look to set up Happy Hour events throughout the year to make more people aware of CSI and what it is about, talk to PYAF, AIA, GBA, EP.

WEBSITE:   Final date for blood drive on website needs changed, most donations possibly gets free admission to Holiday Party.

PUBLICITY:  Miller has had to update Chapter’s roster from Institutes roster for postcards, suggests Membership maintain the updates more closely.

MEMBERSHIP:   No report 

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION:   FedEx has reached out to provide CDT certification for their employees.



LONG RANGE PLANNING:   Bailey will reach to see if long range planning contact is still available, all that were involved said it was helpful.

GOLF OUTING:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:   Strayer will represent Pittsburgh Chapter at LOS, Brown and Fulton will be attending as well.

NEW BUSINESS:   Provide 100% reimbursement ILO 90% for member attending Construct that are representing the Chapter; MOTION: To approve 100% reimbursement; proposed by Vargo, seconded by Bailey; motion unanimously approved.

MOTION: For adjournment at 8:30 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by, Miller seconded by Schuster; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko.