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Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2014 5:40 pm
President Vargo called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Vernon, Buirge, Nagie, Fulton, Bosco, Dorenkott, Schuster, Moyta, Miller, Bailey, Geist, Carnegie, and Thornton.
PRESIDENT: A written report was submitted that included the following highlights: reservation was made for 2014 December meeting at the Chadwick with first slight cost rise in 8 years that our Chapter will absorb; Institute is releasing statistics about CSI; Construct 2014 will take place in Baltimore, MD; and our Chapter received an offer to participate in local Electric League Exposition and Conference in May.
SECRETARY: MOTION: To approve the minutes of December Meeting as submitted; proposed by Fulton, seconded by Schuster; motion unanimously approved.
TREASURER: Reviewed monthly report; and donation from December’s Dessert Product Show will be given to a local food bank. MOTION: To approve monthly treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Buirge, seconded by Schuster; motion unanimously approved.
HOSPITALITY: Still waiting for payment from 3 tables at December’s meeting and discussed potential ideas of encouraging more architects and specifiers to attend our next December meeting; and February meeting will occur at Cefalo’s Restaurant.
PROGRAMS: February will be Architect/Representative Speed Dating with March or April being “Are You Smarter Than a Specifier” and other meetings yet to be determined.
WEBSITE: Chapter has initiated use of PayPal for making payments.
MEMBERSHIP: Monthly total is 144.
TECHNICAL/EDUCATION: Notify committee chairs if having a topic that could be of interest to Chapter and MasterBuilder members.
AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION: Pittsburgh Chapter submitted 16 of 28 nominations for Region awards; and some Institute Awards are due 05-02-14 and others on 07-15-14 with some requiring endorsements.
GBA LIAISON: Vargo and Dorenkott met with local GBA administrators to initiate dialog, as there is mutual interest of participating in a program.
STUDENT OUTREACH: Committee is still trying to make contact with students for meetings later in the year; different ways of offering scholarships for April meeting are being considered; and CSI Institute is encouraging interaction between Chapters and students.
MEMBER PROFILE: A new profile was placed on Chapter website.
NEW BUSINESS: Chapter will consider attending Electric League Exposition invitation.
MOTION: For adjournment at 6:15 PM, since there was no additional business before the Board; proposed by Miller, seconded by Fulton; motion unanimously approved.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dennis Buirge - CCS, CCCA.