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Meeting Minutes

April 09, 2013 5:39 pm

President Vargo called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Vernon, Buirge, Nagie, McNamee, Fulton, Bosco, Dorenkott, Moyta, Prindible, Miller, Bailey, Schuster, and Thornton.

SECRETARY:   MOTION: To approve the minutes of March Meeting; proposed by Bosco, seconded by Miller; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER:   Reviewed monthly report.  MOTION: To approve treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Miller, seconded by Buirge; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY:   Venues for May and June meetings are to be determined.

PROGRAMS:   Six students from CMU will participate in tonight’s program “Are You Smarter Than a Specifier”; May will be a tour of Graduate School of Public Health at University of Pittsburgh; while June will be our typical Awards Program.  There are several local parking facilities for the May tour, including underground parking at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall.

WEBSITE:   Committee met to discuss incorporating new Institute logo, making format changes, considering a Flickr site and linking some building code links, and deleting some older material; and Chapter received software allowing committee members to make website modifications.

PUBLICITY:   Committee deleted old email addresses and will start afresh, so members should forward any updated information to Miller.

MEMBERSHIP:   Monthly total is 131 with 3 new members this month; and reviewed names of those with expired and expiring memberships; and Vargo will assume Chair with Malarik’s departure.

TECHNICAL/EDUCATION:   Chair met with representative from Masterbuilders to discuss four possible seminar topics and will get interest feedback from professionals and contractors before proceeding.

CERTIFICATION:   Reviewed report from Chair; putting CCPR on hold due to Institute making program changes; and Ron Delaria from our Chapter is working with Institute President on creating a BIM related program.

AWARDS/SPEC COMPETITION:   Region Award nominations were submitted; Outstanding Chapter nomination is due by 05-03-13, so committee Chairs need to submit pertinent information, as well as any members having information.

STUDENT OUTREACH:   Chapter received 10 copies of 2011 MasterFormat to give to local universities.

LONG RANGE PLANNING:   Chapter elections will occur tonight, so ballot names and positions were reviewed.  MOTION: To approve ballot and close board nominations; proposed by Thornton, seconded by Prindible; motion unanimously approved.  Nominations will be opened during Chapter meeting.


OLD BUSINESS:   Possible magnetic type nametag samples were distributed for Board review with an approximate cost of $7.40 each, as well as a more generic design for other Chapters, for a Board decision to be made next month; and anyone wanting to attend next MARC on May 2 - 6 at Gettysburg should notify Vargo.

NEW BUSINESS:   July board meeting will be on the 13th (Saturday) at Prindible’s home, while August board meeting will be at the Fulton’s home.

MOTION:  For adjournment at 6:10 PM, since there was no additional business before the Board; proposed by Moyta, seconded by Buirge; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Dennis Buirge - CCS, CCCA.