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Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2016 6:35 pm

President Strayer called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Telenko, Nagie, Fulton, Brown, Bosco, Schuster, Miller, Bailey, Thornton, Bartley, Pollock.

PRESIDENT: Strayer: Miller is looking for a replacement for Publicity Chairman, he will continue until a replacement can be found. The Chapter needs a chair for GBA Liaison and Student Outreach, we will put an ad in the Specigram.


          MOTION: To approve the minutes of June 2016 board meeting as submitted; proposed by Nagie, seconded by Bosco; motion unanimously approved.

          MOTION: To approve the minutes of July 2016 board meeting as submitted; proposed by Nagie, seconded by Bosco; motion unanimously approved.

TREASURER: Chapter is solvent.

         MOTION: To approve monthly treasurer’s report as submitted; proposed by Brown, seconded by Thornton; motion unanimously approved.

HOSPITALITY: Strayer: Holiday Party will be at the Chadwick the 2nd Tuesday in December.

PROGRAMS: Bailey: September meeting will be “Controlling Risk Through Information Management” by Betsy Ennis Dulin, Esq., PE; October program not set in stone yet.  

WEBSITE: Schuster: website has been updated.

PUBLICITY:  Bailey: end of summer newsletter set to go out.

MEMBERSHIP: Strayer: Lisa McNamee needs to receive her anniversary pin, will bring to September meeting.

CERTIFICATION:  Bosco: Brown passed her CCS; Jeff Carty purchased a home study course.

AWARDS: Nagie received a Certificate of Appreciation and Merit from the Institute for serving on multiple committees and her continued work. 

MARC 17:  Meetings will be starting back up for this planning committee.

MARC 18:  Will be in Winchester, VA April 18-22, 2018.

LOS: National convention will not take place next year; Region is looking to establish a regional finance group; this year’s LOS went well, although attendance was down.


          MOTION:  To approve budget for FY 2016-2017; proposed by Miller; seconded by Pollock; motion unanimously approved.

NEW BUSINESS: Thank you note was read from Bailey family.

          MOTION: For adjournment at 7:59 PM, since there was no additional business before the board; proposed by Thornton; seconded by Nagie; motion unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Josh Telenko.